I live in a small Italian town in the far north of Tuscany. Some years ago we received some somali refugees and we also have migrants from Gambia and Liberia. This summer we received six Nigerian political refugees. In my experience, my neighbors have been quite welcoming and friendly. There may have been racism, but I haven't seen it. Instead I have seen the community doing what it can to help out "the boys" (they are all male) and the migrants on their part learning Italian quite quickly and trying to fit in and be useful. They are young and strong and the town is aging, so there is work for them to do, although I am not sure whether there is enough to translate into full-time jobs. So I would say, so far so good in my little town, although I do wonder how many African migrants it can absorb before sentiments harden.
According to one Bangladeshi survivor, large numbers of people remained trapped inside the boat as it sank. Smugglers -- human traffickers organizing the voyages -- had locked the doors to the lower levels of the vessel, the survivor told Italian authorities.
I don’t buy fish from the Mediterranean any more for fear of eating Libyans, Somalis, Syrians and Iraqis. I’m not a cannibal and so now I stick with farmed fish, or else Atlantic cod.’
Two weeks ago (6 Sept 2014), a group of 100 boat people, who had been sent to a three-star hotel with pool in Sardinia, complained about Italian food, Italian mosquitoes and Italian heat. All but four then absconded from the hotel and disappeared off into the Sardinian countryside.
Almost all of the child asylum seekers inside the Christmas Island (Australia) immigration detention centre are reportedly sick and distressed, with many wetting the bed and some developing severe speech impediments and having flashbacks.
With a bandana on her head and a three-month-old baby at her feet.
People become refugees because one or more of their basic human rights have been violated or threatened. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights underlines the strong connection between human rights and the work of UNHCR. Article 14 of the UDHR states that "everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution."
Spain especially, Greece too, and even the Maltese, use force to keep out migrants. Just what, I wonder, would David Cameron do if confronted by an armada of boat people coming across the Channel?
Zaradi tragedije so se zato danes v Luksemburgu na izrednem zasedanju sešli notranji in zunanji ministri držav članic Unije, predsednik Evropskega sveta Donald Tusk pa je za četrtek sklical izredni vrh voditeljev članic EU-ja v Bruslju. "Položaj je dramatičen. Tako ne gre več naprej,"
Along the frontiers between Spain and Morocco, Greece and Turkey and Hungary and Serbia, the EU is deploying brutal methods to keep out undesired refugees. Many risk everything for a future in Europe and their odysseys too often end in death.
The rise of far right parties across Europe is a chilling echo of the 1930.
vizije ni. je pa velik strah.
in bivali bodo v miru svojega spomina...
se opravičujem za vnaprej pokvarjen dan, ampak tole je moralo biti objavljeno. je moralo iti ven, vsaj delno. pritoževati se glede naših (osebnih, domačih) bivanjskih situacij, težav in dilem je v tem kontekstu smešno. upam, da bo smešno še dooolgooo časa.
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